Katelyn Klapper | Certified Educational Planner | IECA, HECA, NACAC

Katelyn Klapper | Certified Educational Planner | IECA, HECA, NACAC

After quickly building my business College Options to capacity in 3 years, I wanted to find ways to grow my revenue to a 6-figure income without sacrificing the quality of my services or my work/personal life balance. As I navigated my way through typical business growing pains, I constructed a blueprint that enabled me to provide highly individualized services, while at the same time implementing system efficiencies required to manage a larger client load.

Since then, I have mentored and coached hundreds of IEC colleagues on how to effectively and efficiently grow their businesses and I can inspire you to do the same!

As an educator in the UC Irvine IEC practicum course since 2015, I have taught and mentored more than 300 IECs. At the conclusion of the course, I offer all of my students a one on one coaching session to review their final business plan and personal goals. These coaching sessions cover college counseling skills and models, ethical business practices and practical business development issues. Through this experience, I have had exposure to a range of business models, the array of regional and international markets, and have developed insight into the future possibilities and challenges of our profession.

My passion for helping students find an academic fit that matches their intellectual, social, and financial needs, has motivated me to visit more than 330 campuses in 38 states and abroad. This never-ending quest for building my college knowledge allows me to provide list-development insight to colleagues around the world.

In addition to having worked on the campuses of Boston University, Bentley University, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute, I am a Certified Educational Planner and have a certificate in college counseling from UCLA Extension. I have completed graduate work at Boston University’s College of Communication and hold a BA from Scripps College. You can learn more about my academic and professional background here.



“Katelyn provided critical guidance as I developed my business model, including pricing and process, but most importantly I have valued her clear and focused coaching at times of unexpected challenges or opportunities.”

Sandy Storer, Gap Consultant, A Gap Away

“The recommendations Katelyn made had an immediate impact on my revenue, but the most important factor was developing a growth mindset. Katelyn gave me the confidence that I’m offering something of value and I’m running my business in a positive and effective way – this feedback was critically validating”.

Katelyn has a great way of communicating with colleagues that is empowering and validating while still being very informing. Her strategy allows a newer IEC to understand the things they are good at and the ways they can improve without feeling like they are in over their head .”

—Jill O’Keefe, College Bound Consulting Group


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